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Our latest episode

Block Party




Our goal is to support and popularize local small business owners, their products as well as raise money and awareness for the students and school at Juan Seguin. Come join us on soon at Juan Seguin High School! Our goal is to suport and popularize local small business owners, their products as well as raise money and awareness for the students and school at Juan Seguin High School.


SPACE SIZE: Booths are :4 X 8 is TBD

8 X 8 is $TBD

Prime location is an additional $10.00.


If interested please contact us to arrange payment.Payment is cash and check only due upon registration. You may register on line and send payment to:

Juan Seguin High School PTSA, 7001 Silo Rd.Arlington, TX 76002 or pick up a form in the front office of the high school, and put the payment in the drop box. A receipt will be given to you. If paying cash please pay in person at the school!


Set up is from 8 a.m. and everything is  to be closed by 5 p.m.  There will be no refunds, on paid spaces.

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